Hey there!
Thank you for your interest. I'm thrilled that you consider my recipes/photos worthy of sharing.
While Next in Lime is all about sharing and caring (in the right ways), I'm sure you appreciate that everything you see on this website, including the recipes and photos, is the result of a lot of hard work.
In the spirit of mutual respect and recognition, and to abide by the Terms of Use of this website, I hope you will follow the policy guidelines outlined below:
- Feel free to share one photo from a post as long as you provide a prominent and clear link back to that particular post plus my homepage.
- Refrain from using more than one photo from a single post, or more than 2 photos from the entire site Nextinlime.com in a single post of yours, unless you have explicit, written permission from me. As mentioned above, a clear and prominent link back is required for every photo you post.
- Do not copy, republish, or take screenshots of my recipes or blog posts.
- Do not republish any of my photos alongside my recipes/blog text, or any of my photos alongside anyone else’s recipe/blog.
- If you'd like to share any of the recipes or blog posts from my website with your friends and family through social media, email, messaging, or in person, please provide them with a link to the page on my website where you found the recipe/post.
- You cannot use my photos from this website and/or from Next in Lime’s social media platforms as clip art/stock images unless you have my explicit permission, and we have agreed on remuneration and licensing terms.
All the content on Nextinlime.com, including the photos and videos, is owned and copyrighted by me. If you are unclear about anything mentioned in the bullets above, or if you have any other questions regarding sharing of my content/photos, email me at hello@nextinlime.com
Always grateful for your support!
Please refer to the following pages on our Website for some additional useful information, terms and conditions, and our contact information:
Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy